Hotline 24/7 - Saigon Joint stock Commercial Bank






In case the 02 numbers above are busy, please contact our Zalo/viber number 0901 461 468

BOND INFORMATION (Monday – Friday, 08:30AM - 11:30AM and 01:00PM-04:30PM)



  • (028) 7300 6538


  • (028) 7303 5678


  • (028) 7302 5999 (24/7)


To activate/lock your card, please use the phone number registered with SCB and send a message to the Call center number 8149 (charging VND1,500/message) with the following contents:

Request Text message
Card activation SCB_KHT_last 04 digits of your card number_ID card/passport
To lock 01 card SCB_KHOATHE_last 04 digits of your card number
To lock all cards SCB_KHOATHE_ALL

Please note that:

  • If your request for temporary card locking/activation is successful, you will receive a response message from the system notifying about the result.
  • In case you disconnect the call or your phone runs out of battery, the phone signal is weak, or there is a network error (SCB cannot control these situations), please call the Hotline again for support.


If you use the phone number registered with SCB to call the Hotline 19006538, you will hear the greeting and instructions as follows:

Welcome to Sai Gon Commercial Bank. You only pay telecommunications fee of 1,000 VND/minute. For English, press (1).

Please press your phone according to the following instructions:

Request Number Request Number
For English 1
To lock your card 2 Press your ID number
To lock all cards 1
To lock each card 2 >> Press last 4 digits of your card number
To activate your card 3 Press your ID number Press last 4 digits of your card number
For support for Cards and Digital Banking 4

Please wait a moment. The call will be recorded to improve our service quality. Your call will be prioritized to connect to our staff.

Our staff are currently busy, please wait a moment.

Our staff are currently busy, please contact us again later. Thank you

To talk to our staff 9
To listen to the instructions again (*) To return to the previous menu (#)

Please note that:

  • If your request for temporary card locking/activation is successful, you will receive a response message from the system notifying about the result.
  • In case you disconnect the call or your phone runs out of battery, the phone signal is weak, or there is a network error (SCB cannot control these situations), please call the Hotline again for support.
  • In case you use a different phone number to contact the Hotline, please press 9 to talk to our staff for support.


  • Personal





Can I prematurely withdraw money from my current savings book marked “Withdrawal prior maturity not allowed” to re-deposit it with a similar term as the initial term to enjoy higher interest rate?


“Withdrawal prior maturity not allowed”. This is clearly mentioned in the product regulations.

The withdrawal prior maturity is only permitted when customers are in force majeure cases such as sudden accidents, natural disasters, floods, fire hazards, death, etc.

However, instead of premature withdrawal, you can use some facilities offered by SCB such as loans secured by savings books, etc.

When my savings book comes to maturity but I do not come to SCB to have my savings book settled, what will the interest rate be applied to my deposit after such maturity?


As for the normal savings product, when the savings book becomes mature and customers do not come to SCB to have the savings book settled as well as do not give any instruction to the contrary, customers’ deposits (the principal and the accrued interest) will be rolled over with a similar term as the previous one and enjoy the corresponding interest rate applicable at the time of roll–over. If at the maturity, such deposit term is not available, customers’ deposits will be rolled over with a next shorter term and a corresponding interest rate will be applied at the time of roll-over.

As for other deposit products, the periodic regulations on such products will be applied.

When my savings book becomes mature, may I have my savings book settled at a (sub)branch other than the issuing (sub)branch ? Does this settlement cause any fee charged on me ?


When your savings book become mature, you can have your savings book settled at any (sub)branch of SCB without any fee charged on you. However, you should inform the settling (sub)branch 01 working day in advance (for the amount of VND05 billion up or equivalent in foreign currencies) or 04 working hours (for amount of under VND05 billion or equivalent in foreign currencies).

If the maturity date of my savings book falls on the weekends or holidays ? What day can I have my savings book settled ? How is the interest rate calculated in this case ?


If the savings book falls on the weekends or holidays, it will be settled on the next business day after the weekends or holidays. Therefore, the interest on the deposit will be the interest calculated for the initial term plus the interest for the extended days at the agreed-upon rate.

A savings book is opened under my name and my spouse’s name. Can it be settled at my sole decision ?


The use of joint account is regulated according to “the Agreement on managing and using joint account”. As for the settlement of savings books, joint account holders chose one of the following options: Settlement upon the approval of “one of joint account holders” or “all of joint account holders”. SCB will perform action as per request of the joint account holders.

What is the procedure for opening a joint savings account ?


When opening a joint savings account, account holders should:

Present I.D. cards or equivalent documents (for the account holder whose age is ineligible for I.D. card or visa).

Sign an agreement on managing and using joint account (as per SCB’s form).

Register specimen signatures with SCB.

May I authorize another person to conduct transactions related to savings money such as receiving the principal amount and interest, rolling over deposits, settling savings books, etc. ? How is the procedure ?


You may authorize another person to receive the principal amount/interest on your savings book, pledge the savings book or have the full right to use the savings amount. Upon transaction, the authorized person should present the following documents:

• The savings book.

• The authorization document (in case SCB has not kept record of the authorization document).

• Valid I.D. card or equivalent document of the authorized person.

The authorization document must have either SCB’s confirmation (in case made in SCB’s form) or local state authorities or other competent agencies. Your signature on the authorization document must be identical to your specimen signature registered with SCB.

My relative is maintaining a savings book at SCB. He is now staying in a hospital for treatment. My family is considering the money withdrawal on that savings book to pay for hospital fees. What is the procedure ?


As for the savings books not allowed to be withdrawn prior maturity, SCB will only approve the withdrawal prior maturity in case of force majeure or reasonable causes.

To withdraw money, you should proceed withdrawal procedure at the (sub)branch where the savings book has been issued. The required documents are as follows:

• A request for money withdrawal to pay hospital fees certified by the hospital.

• A confirmation issued by a hospital doctor on the unconsciousness or loss of cognitive ability or loss of lucidity of the savings book owner.

• Payment documents.

• Relationship document.

• If the withdrawal of more than VND100 billion from the savings book of the spouse, the applicant must present the evidence that the issuance of savings book was made within the marital period and a commitment there has not been existed an agreement of property separation between husband and wife certified by public notary or by at least 1 heir of the first line.

Can I have my savings book transferred to my relative(s) ? What is the procedure?


Yes, you can. You and your relative(s) can proceed the transfer procedure at any (sub)branch of SCB.

At the bank, you must present your savings book, I.D. cards of you and your relative(s) and a completed form of request for transfer of deposit ownership (as per SCB’s form).

After receiving all above documents, SCB will print out a new savings book under the name of your relative(s).

Notes: After transfer, all transactions related to the savings book will be only made at the (sub)branch where the transfer has been made.

How can I get information of the outstanding balance on my current account opened at SCB?


To get information of the outstanding balance on your current account at SCB, you can:

Use the service of balance inquiry via Phone Banking, SMS Banking, Internet Banking. Before using, you must register this kind of service at any (sub)branch of SCB.

Contact with SCB tellers at transaction counters with your presentation of I.D. card.

I have an account at SCB branch in Ho Chi Minh City. Now, I am working in another city. I want to deposit money to my account. Is there any fee charged on my depositing ?


Please click here to visit “SCB’s fee schedule”

What is SCB MasterCard Credit Card ?


SCB MasterCard Credit Card is a card issued by SCB to cardholders for transactions via card within the credit limit approved by SCB and under agreements in the Terms and Conditions on card issuance. It is a chip card of EMV standards (Europay – MasterCard – Visa) and can store encoded data with high security.

Automatic card lock and activation


Request SMS to 8149 Call Hotline

To lock all cards


Press (2) for card lock request

Insert ID/Passport No. and press (#)

Press (1) to lock all cards

Press (2) to lock one card => Insert 4 last digits of the card no

Or press (9) to talk to the operator

To lock 01 card

SCB KHOATHE 4lastdigitsofcardnumber

To activate card

SCB KHT 4lastdigitofcardnumber ID/Passportnumber

Press (3) to activate card

Insert ID/Passport No. and press (#)

Insert 4 last digits of the card no

Or press (9) to talk to the operator

What is the Principal cardholder ? the Supplementary cardholder ?


The Principal cardholder is a person who is the applicant under the application for credit card issuance.

The Supplementary cardholder is a person to whom a credit card is issued at the request of the Principal cardholder.

What is the International Card Association ?


International Card Association means the association of financial or credit institutions or organization that issues and effects payment for international cards. It is an intermediary providing service of linking the processing systems for international card transactions, exchanging data via electronic form or documents.

What is card validity ?


Card validity is a valid period printed on card during which the cardholder is allowed to use card.

What is a transaction invoice ?


A transaction invoice is a document to confirm the card transaction made by cardholders.

What is credit card statement ?


Credit card statement is a transaction statement monthly provided by SCB to cardholders informing the current balance, the minimum payment due, due date and other details related to transactions, interest, fees arising during the statement period.

What is the due date ?


The due date is the final date on which cardholders must perform their obligation of payment according to SCB’s regulations.

What is the minimum payment due ?


The minimum payment due is a minimum amount cardholders must pay on the due date at the latest.

What is the beginning balance ?


The beginning balance is the unpaid amount forwarded from the previous period.

What is the ending balance?


The ending balance is the amount currently due to cardholders according to the monthly statement.

What is arising transactions in a statement period ?


Arising transactions in a statement period are the information on all payment, purchases, cash advances or refunds in a statement period.

What is a statement date ?


The statement date is a date of each month on which transaction statements are issued. The statement date of SCB MasterCard Credit Card is the 25th day of each month. Accordingly, the statements will list arising transactions from the 26th day of the previous month to the 25th day of the statement period.

What is transaction date ?


The transaction date is the date on which cardholders make transactions of payment, purchase.

What is the posting date ?


The posting date is the date on which a transaction is posted on the credit card account of cardholders.

What is the credit card account ?


The credit card account is an account opened in SCB card system to be used for management of transactions, fees, interest, etc. related to the use of card. It is mutually used by the principal cardholder and supplementary cardholder.

What is the minimum payment due ?


The minimum payment due is the minimum amount cardholders must pay on the due date at the latest.

What is the benefits of SCB MasterCard Credit Card ?


The benefits of SCB MasterCard Credit Card:

Buy now, pay later and interest-free credit period up to 45 days.

Cash advance/payment at millions of ATM/POS machines with logo of MasterCard in Vietnam and worldwide.

Shopping on Internet.

More security with technology of magnetic and chip card according to EMV standards.

Simple and convenient procedure.

Accumulation of reward points for gifts/cash.

Exclusive treatments for cardholders.

What should I look at when making transactions via SCB MasterCard Credit Card?


When making transactions via SCB MasterCard Credit Card, you should:

Check before signing invoices printed out from POS machines to make sure of the consistent details of transaction amount, cardholder’s information.

Keep record of invoices for future reference.

What are noteworthy regulations on credit balance ?


Here are some regulations on credit balance:

Transaction amounts in foreign currencies will be converted to VND amounts at the exchange rate quoted by the International Card Association and/or quoted by SCB at the posting date.

When cardholders pay the credit balance, the available credit amount will increase by the paid amount.

If cardholders duly pay all the closing balance, cardholders will be free of interest for goods and service purchases stated in the statement period.

If cardholders fail to pay or do not pay enough the minimum payment due on the due date at the latest, cardholders will be imposed a late payment fee and interest from the transaction date.

After 10 days from the due date, if cardholders have not paid the minimum payment due, cards will be temporarily locked.

What are security rules on credit cards ?


When using credit cards, please follow the following security rules:

Signing your name at the back of the card right after receiving your card.

Keep your card in a safe place and secure your card information.

Secure your PIN by:

+ Keep your PIN secret, do not either write it down on papers or store it in your mobile phones, etc.

+ Do not disclose your PIN or give your card to anyone, not even your relatives.

+ Make sure no one sees you entering your PIN at all times.

+ Inspect the ATM/POS machine for anything suspicious or unusual before using.

Upon receiving transaction statements, check details on statements with those on receipts, invoices stored by you.

Make sure transaction amounts are in available limit at the time of transactions.

The supplementary cardholder(s) and principal cardholder jointly use the same credit limit. The principal cardholder and supplementary cardholder(s) are jointly liable for arising debt balance in statements under SCB’s regulations.

In case of loss of cards: immediately inform SCB thereof and have your card temporarily locked. If you want to have it unlocked or otherwise, please contact any (sub)branch of SCB for support.

In case of trouble with cards (swallowed cards, incorrect PIN, lost/stolen card, unauthorized use of card, etc.): please contact SCB via Hotline number on the card back for support.

Does it take more time to transfer money on Internet Banking to an account at another bank than transfer money at counters ?


It does not take more time to transfer money on Internet Banking to an account at another bank. It is even faster. If your transactions are made before 02:30 pm from Mondays to Fridays, they will be processed during the day; transactions made after 02:30 pm of those days will be processed in the next working day. However, it depends on the beneficiary bank’s processing time for the beneficiary to receive money late or soon.

If I transfer money on Internet Banking to an incorrect beneficiary inside SCB’s system, what should I do?


If you transfer money on Internet Banking to an incorrect beneficiary inside SCB’s system. In that case, you can contact and ask that beneficiary to return the transferred amount or you can request SCB to support you in taking back you money. However, SCB is not responsible for the result of the money reimbursement.

To avoid the above cases, please carefully review the transfer details before entering security code to verify the transaction.

Does it take more time to transfer money on eBanking (Internet Banking, Mobile Banking và SMS Banking) inside SCB’s system than via ATMs?


Money transfer inside SCB’s system via eBanking is instantly made. Your account is debited and beneficiary’s account is credited at the same time.

If the token is lost or suspected to be stolen, what should I do?


First, you should immediately change the log-in password. Then, contact SCB’s (sub)branches to have your current token locked and a new one issued.

When using eBanking, if my password is exposed/forgot, etc. or I want to change some details on eBanking, where should I contact?


If your password is exposed/forgot, etc. or you want to change some details on eBanking, you can contact any (sub)branches or 08 39206540 to get specific instructions.

Can I currently open a term deposit account without coming to SCB’s (sub)branches ?


Internet Banking is currently applied at SCB, you do not need to come to our bank to open a term deposit account. You can open a term deposit account with flexible types at any time, any where with an Internet-connected computer and token provided by SCB.

Can one phone number be used for multiple SMS Banking registrations?


One phone number is used only for 01 CIF (1 SMS Banking registration).

Is it risky if I lose my token?


When you lose your token, immediately notify SCB to neutralize that token. If that token is found by someone by chance, there is not any information of you and the bank revealed. Register for new token at any SCB’s (sub)branches when you need.

What should I do if I come to SCB to receive a remittance via Western Union?


After having a Money Transfer Control Number from the sender, you can come to any (sub)branches of SCB, presenting your valid identification paper to receive the money. In addition, customers need to provide necessary information and fill out the “Money Receipt” (SCB’s form).

Note: ensure the accuracy of beneficiary’s name and Money Transfer Control Number (10 digits).

I have a savings book at SCB. Can I use it to prove the financial capability for my children to study abroad? What should I do?


When being asked to prove financial capacity to study abroad, customers can request SCB to confirm the balance of savings book/deposit account/deposit certificate, etc. opened at SCB or to issue a guarantee letter. In case customers have not had such deposit documents at SCB, customers can still prove their financial capability under the loan method.

Customers fill out the “Request for account information” (SCB’s form) and present the following documents:

+ Valid identification papers.

+ Valid savings book/Deposit account/deposit certificate/Valuable paper issued by SCB.

After SCB confirming the balance of savings account, can I make withdrawal before maturity?


The withdrawal before maturity depends on the types of confirmation:

As for the confirmation that the balance is being maintainted at the time of confirmation (date…../….time), the withdrawal before maturity depends on each savings product’s regulations.

As for the confirmation that the balance is being maintainted for a certain period of time (from…to….), SCB will block that savings account. Therefore, customers can not withdraw money before the end of such period.

Does the bank provide the service to pay electricity, water, phone, internet bills, etc? If possible, what is the registration process?


Currently, SCB is providing the automatic bill payment service for all utility services such as: electricity, water, phone, internet, etc. and other bills that customers wish to make periodic payment. (not limited to any services).

The current account for this bill payment will be opened for free.

To register this service, customers need to fill out “Registration form cum domestic automatic bill payment service contract” (SCB’s form) and present the following documents:

+ Valid I.D card (or equivalent documents), authorization /recommendation letter of organization (if apply for organization).

+ In case registration for a relative, I.D card (or equivalent documents) of such relative are required.

+ 01 fee notice/bill/utilities service contract of 01 latest period.

Also, customers should notify service providers of the change to the billing address (from customers’ to SCB’ address).

How long is the check payment?


If the check is presented within 30 days (calendar days) from the issue date and the issuer is of sufficient balance to make payment the relevant amount, SCB will make payment to the beneficiary in the presentation day or the next working day.

If the check is presented after the regulated presentation period but less than 06 months from the issue date, SCB is still able to make payment if SCB does not receive any notification of postponing the check and the issuer is of sufficient balance to make payment.

If I lose my I.D card and I still have other identification papers such as driver’s license, insurance card, resident registration book, etc. Am I able to receive money transferred from my relatives?


In case your I.D card have been lost, you can present other substitute papers such as passport/statement of lost I.D card affixed with your photo and confirmed by police or statement of lost I.D card without your photo and confirmation of police on it together with other papers with your photo such as driver’s license, Union member card, etc.

In case I have made money transfer at SCB to an incorrect beneficiary account, what should I do to make corrections?


When making transfer, if customers provide incorrect details in regards of beneficiary name/account no./bank, etc., they need to contact the (sub)branch where such transfer is made to make corrections.

I have a ring made of 9999 gold, does SCB buy it?


SCB only buy SJC gold bars issued by Sai Gon Jewelry Company Limited. For other types of gold, customers can sell them to other gold companies.

My company plans to purchase some foreign currencies to make payment to overseas partners, what currencies does SCB sell?


SCB provides the service “Multi-foreign currency payment transfer” projected to satisfy customers making foreign payment, especially in case of using foreign currencies not yet listed by SCB.

This service covers 141 types of foreign currency worldwide.

Câu 1 - Bảo lãnh

When does a guarantee become valid?


This will be based on customers' requests and in accordance with the documents giving rise to the guarantee obligations. In all cases, the effective time of the guarantee commitment must not be prior to guarantee issuance.

Câu 2 - Bảo lãnh

Do I have to make a margin deposit when applying for guarantee?


Applicants are not required to make a magin deposit to secure the guarantee.

Câu 3 - Bảo lãnh

Which currencies are applied in a letter of guarantee?


Customers can apply for letters of guarantee in Vietnamese Dong and/or foreign currencies (foreign currencies that SCB is legally allowed to trade in different periods).

Who is "Instant loan, prosperous business" for?

Who is "Instant loan, prosperous business" for?


This product is for capital needs of customers earning net revenue less than (<) VND100 billion/year.

Which financing options do customers have when applying for "Instant loan, prosperous business"?

Which financing options do customers have when applying for "Instant loan, prosperous business"?


This product can serve differnt needs of customers as follows:

- Supplement working capital for business activities.

- Import and domestic LC (including UPAS L/C for import and domestic trade).

- Domestic guarantee.

Any special offers when applying for "Instant loan, prosperous business"?

Any special offers when applying for "Instant loan, prosperous business"?


Applicants for this product will have special offers for interest rate, quick approval and current account number with 04 lucky digits including 6868.


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Our SCB 24/7 hotline was officially put in line on 19/09/2014. With well-trained staff and modern operation system, we are always ready for your needs.

To be best served and provided necessary information related to product-service packages, customers can contact our 24/7 hotline via the following channels:

1. Hotline 19006538 (24/7)
2. Email:
3.Zalo page
4. Fanpage/Facebook: SCB Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn @NganhangTMCPSaiGon


SCB is at its option to record the calls coming to its hotlines for the purpose of improving service quality or serving the queries/complaints settlements (if any). All information provided by customers will be kept confidential. SCB will provide that information to the third party when requested by authorities as per regulations of State Bank

To ensure the accuracy of the provided information, customers are encouraged to use the registered phone numbers to contact to our hotlines. SCB is entitled to request customers to provide personal details and transaction details for verification purpose. SCB is not liable for customers’ information exposed to others by any person other than SCB.

SCB is entitled to refuse to answer or disconnect the phone calls, emails, conversations made with impolite manners and disturbance purposes.

Fees for our hotlines: 19006538 (VND1,000/minute)

Please call +842873006538 when you are abroad or can not reach our Hotline.

